10 X 100 Tickets Winners to the Dream Home Competition worth (£2000)

£1.00 Per Ticket


  1. Mel75
    Ticket number: 94
  2. Grumps
    Ticket number: 712
  3. judith.robinson7@bti
    Ticket number: 1833
  4. Pwinceth
    Ticket number: 305
  5. Anthony gray
    Ticket number: 666
  6. ChrisMc67
    Ticket number: 633
  7. evebraith
    Ticket number: 1141
  8. Paula84
    Ticket number: 1180
  9. Doddy438
    Ticket number: 875
  10. Chickspeirs
    Ticket number: 824

Drawn live on facebook - https://fb.watch/luZ9qN8ZmH/



this mini competition will have 10 winners that will receive 100 tickets each worth £400 per person, to the Dream Home Competition

Instant Ticket Wins!

No need to wait for the draw date! - 1 Instant Wins! Randomly draw any of the following tickets numbers and win the prize!


John Clough
#9 - £25

About This Competition

this mini competition will have 10 winners that will receive 100 tickets each worth £400 per person, to the Dream Home Competition